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July 26, 2005

Referal from COREC

So no posts for a while, but rest assured we have been busy. I'll start a number of new entries with news of our referal from last months COREC meeting at Guys hospital. Our application for tissue culturing was reffered, which means Ian has a chance to refine the application and resubmit it for a meeting at the end of this month. The committee wanted more clarity about the research, and Ian was happy for the chance to add more detail about the innovative aspects of the research. This has an effect on the timing of our research, pushing forward the date we planned to have an exhibition.

The good news is that Nikki and myself are applying for temporary research posts at Guys Hospital. This will allow us to support imaging and other research already underway there, and get closer to the work we are trying to engage our audience with. If we find a role there, we can use this time to extend the overall length of the research period.

Lastly a big thanks to our couples for being flexible about their involvement in the project.

Posted by tobie at July 26, 2005 11:36 AM
