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June 30, 2006

The Biggest Visual Power Show

Biojewellery was presented at a rapid pace during a 5 minute slot at The Biggest Visual Power Show. Staged in the renovated coal-wash building at Vollverein, near Essen in Germany, this was a dynamic event featuring over 20 presentations. The event website has some details on the content:

"The Powershow 2006 has the topic of Next Nature. Our established view on nature needs reconsideration. How do we look at next nature? Highways, airports and supermarkets are part of our natural environment. The media are dissapearing, nature takes over. The things we design end up designing us. Over twenty Artists, philosophers, designers, filmmakers and politicians gave a five minute presentation."

An image from the event (thanks to Frau-K for the this) is follwed by a pic of the postrer for the show, which took place on the 23rd June

Posted by tobie at June 30, 2006 06:13 PM
