16 November 2009

Multiple Ways

Multiple Ways to Design Research was the fifth symposium of the Swiss Design Network, convened at Lugano in Switzerland. The programme is online, to be followed shortly with the proceedings and video of the presented papers. Here’s a description of the theme:

The framework of the conference is based on the assumption that the evolution of sciences and technologies, and their impact on society, suggests new research questions that constantly tend to expand the ways to design research – in term of topics of interests, approaches and contaminations – research questions that can be relevant for the design knowledge, practice and education.

I spoke about Material Beliefs in terms of its contribution to public engagement of science and technology (a pdf of the full paper is available here) in a session with Björn Franke and Françoise Adler entitled “SENSE AND MEANING”. I also had a chance to hear from Pelle Ehnand Giovanni Anceschi.

The symposium was convened and hosted by Massimo Botta and Polly Bertram from the Laboratorio Cultura Visiva at SUPSI.

Cinema Corso Laguna
Cinema Corso, venue for Multiple Ways plenary sessions (image from Multiple Ways page)

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